
Component that represent each button of the action sheet.


Static action sheet

Onsen UI provides <v-ons-action-sheet> and <v-ons-action-sheet-button> elements. Use them to create a dialog that slides from the bottom of the screen to give user options.

You can display or cancel the action sheet by changing its visible prop value to true or false respectively.

Dynamic action sheet

You can also create and open an action sheet dynamically with the method $ons.openActionSheet.

This method takes as argument an object where you can define the action sheet’s properties (e.g. id, title) and the buttons inside it.

See also

Name Type Description
icon String Creates an ons-icon component with this string. Only visible on Android. Check See also section for more information. Optional.
modifier String The appearance of the action sheet button. Optional.
Name Description
destructive Shows a “destructive” button (only for iOS).
material Display a Material Design action sheet button.

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